Innovative Battle system will provide a clean, (*hopefully*) lagless instanced battleground, that won't be disturbed by 3rd parties and precise statistics will be calculated and stored in LiF history recordings. Player with negative alignement will loose significantly more skill points on death and should think thrice before ganking some newbie just for "Lulz" That is planned to be achieved mostly by bigger impact of alignment system on player decisions. LiF game design conception is aimed to protect newbies and peaceful players from non stop ganking by PvP hungry players. In terms of free PvP, massive siege events and global politics. LiF is newer and has full 3D world for bigger immersion into game. LiF has separate crafting and combat skillcaps, that do not force you to choose between combat and crafting or create additional characters. In terms of skillcap and statcap systems, inventory and some other aspects. LiF has advanced combat aspects like full-body swings (hitting someone while standing on both your legs solid is much painful while hitting someone in the middle of the run or a jump), hit combos, activated abilities of differrent weapon skills etc. LiF has innovative Formations system that brings new aspects into massive battles. LiF is an MMORPG, while Mount & Blade series have only limited numbers multiplayer. In terms of melee, ranged and mounted no target physics combat. And do not forget about other numerous game features ). LiF's Free building system allows placement of pre-modelled buildings with a free rotation angle that results in less "cubic" way of settlements looks like. Making a tunnel passing above or under another tunnel won't make a shaft like it does in Wurm, but will leave both tunnel intact and perfectly solid without any shafts.
LiF's tunnel building system is 100% 3 dimensional. In terms of free terraforming of surface and a tunnel building underground.
Therefore we want you to help in that matter. Firstly it is so, because its combination of features is unique and can not be found in any game all at once.Secondly it is so, because LiF got its own unique features like mini-games, formation system, personalised alchemy system, hunger/cooking system and some others features, that can not be found in any other games yet.Many players like to compare our game to other sandbox or not that sandbox games and that is in generally right, because it helps them to grasp a feeling of some gameplay aspects.